Silvana Soriano
Ipsis Litteris Magazine
To create the magazine, I invite other artists to write about it. I love working in collaboration and I am sure that the project has been enriched with the art of writers and poets, in addition to presenting nuances of intricate meanings and sensitive layers of interpretation.
They were completely free to create and choose the expressions they wanted. Poems, short stories, simple definitions, diversity enchanted me, and I saw a fabric of multiple threads forming, of great sensitivity and delicacy.
I hope that this project will unfold in numerous editions with more partnerships and exchanges and that it will bring joy to anyone who wants to know a little more about idioms.

Ipsis Litteris at The CAMP Gallery
"The barriers to entry into a new culture often can be boiled down to two things, being in the vicinity of said culture and knowing the language in which they speak, read and write. Every language has its nuances and intrigues that seldom make the process easy, but we all begin a new language with the most basic of associations, the visual relations.
Silvana Soriano takes the medium of visual art and transcends language in her representations of idioms, metaphors, sayings and stories by presenting them as literal as can be, playing with the mixtures of cultures and narratives given through words. The exhibition Ipsis Literis, as Soriano has given name to the series, translates to “word for word,” as a play on the pieces’ quite literal portrayal of their meaning.
The CAMP Gallery is pleased to present Ipsis Litteris, a new solo exhibition featuring works from Silvana Soriano. The exhibition opens April 7, and is available until May 7, 2021."
Gabe Torres curator at the Camp Gallery
Projeto Impresso Gravura em Revista
A seductive idea for an engraving studio: The Projeto Impresso. Since 1997, the metal engraving studio has preserved graphic thinking and developed projects. As part of its dynamic, a permanent exhibition space was created, the Galeria de Porta.
It is where dreams, beauty for beauty's sake and glimpses of individual production are valorized. Each year we produce an exhibition, always based on a theme chosen in advance.